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Derrida makes the distinction between the 'who' one loves - their singularity - and the 'what' - the specific qualities of the beloved; then, he states that philosophy's most basic question - 'What is Being?' promotes the same sort of diffe Derrida makes the distinction between the 'who' one loves - their singularity - and the 'what' - the specific qualities of the beloved; then, he states that philosophy's most basic question - 'What is Being?' promotes the same sort of differential reflection: "is Being someone or something?" Fidelity, he states, is always threatened by this division - between the desire to be faithful to the other's singularity and the qualities that may not be as one once thought ...
Derrida makes the distinction between the 'who' one loves - their singularity - and the 'what' - the specific qualities of the beloved; then, he states that philosophy's most basic question - 'What is Being?' promotes the same sort of diffe Derrida makes the distinction between the 'who' one loves - their singularity - and the 'what' - the specific qualities of the beloved; then, he states that philosophy's most basic question - 'What is Being?' promotes the same sort of differential reflection: "is Being someone or something?" Fidelity, he states, is always threatened by this division - between the desire to be faithful to the other's singularity and the qualities that may not be as one once thought ...
De link em link fui dar a http://trans-ferir.blogspot.com interessante blog assinado por Vitor Oliveira Jorge , onde encontrei este e outros videos sobre temas/questões "fundadoras" da filosofia, recolocadas por Derrida, em frente a câmaras provocatórias - Ágoras digitais do pensamento contemporâneo . Seleccionei este tema porque, aqui, Derrida rompe com todos os clichés (concordo com a apreciação de V. Oliveira Jorge) e discerne magistralmente, numa estonteante lucidez, sobre aquilo que eventualmente será o " Amor ", revisitado, como categoria filosófica, na contemporaneidade.
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